Lunch & Learn // Mesh Nationaltheatret
Mesh Nationaltheatret, Tordenskioldsgate 2, 0160 OsloWith the Lunch & Learn sessions, we want to accelerate networking and knowledge sharing in our community.
With the Lunch & Learn sessions, we want to accelerate networking and knowledge sharing in our community.
Connecting members and the community over a social breakfast and fresh coffee. Welcome! Venue: Mesh Nationaltheatret, Workbar
The Friday Bar is a monthly community gathering with food, drinks, music and mingling. The event is open for everyone, so make sure to bring your friends and co-workers! Venue:...
Stadig flere oppdager hvor viktig medarbeideropplevelsen (EX) er for å lykkes med kundeopplevelse (CX). Norsk CX Nettverk ønsker å løfte dette på agendaen og inviterer til Kaffe og Fagsnakk om...
“Facili-station Meetup" is a global community for both experienced and seasoned facilitators, and also those curious and interested in becoming facilitators, and level up their facilitations skills. We aim to...
Connecting members and the community over a social breakfast and fresh coffee. Welcome! Venue: Mesh Nationaltheatret
“Facili-station Meetup" is a global community for both experienced and seasoned facilitators, and also those curious and interested in becoming facilitators, and level up their facilitations skills. We aim to...
The Friday Bar is a monthly community gathering with food, drinks, music and mingling. The event is open for everyone, so make sure to bring your friends and co-workers! Venue:...
With the Lunch & Learn sessions, we want to accelerate networking and knowledge sharing in our community. This months topic: Companies that received funding in 2022. What was your key...