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IxDA / Mesh Youngstorget

Atrium, Mesh Youngstorget Møllergata 6, Oslo

IxDA Oslo is a cross-disciplinary event for inspiration, discussion, debate and exploration in the fields of user experience, interaction design, service design and product management. Venue: Mesh Youngstorget, Atrium

Arendalsfrokost på Mesh Youngstorget!

Atrium, Mesh Youngstorget Møllergata 6, Oslo

For alle som ikke har tenkt seg på Arendalsuka, men som lurer på hva NAST tar med seg ned på politikernes yndlingsfestival så inviterer vi til en Arendalsfrokost på Mesh...

Proptech For Breakfast Cocktail Edition

Atrium, Mesh Youngstorget Møllergata 6, Oslo

You will meet the entrepreneurs, property developers and the investors who create tomorrow's real estate industry. We cover the latest PropTech news and talk to the innovators behind the biggest...

IxDA / Mesh Youngstorget

Atrium, Mesh Youngstorget Møllergata 6, Oslo

IxDA Oslo is a cross-disciplinary event for inspiration, discussion, debate and exploration in the fields of user experience, interaction design, service design and product management. Venue: Mesh Youngstorget, Atrium

Regnskogsfondet x NXT

Atrium, Mesh Youngstorget Møllergata 6, Oslo

Join us at Mesh Youngstorget on April 25th for an art event in partnership with Regnskogsfondet. Inspiring artists like Steinar Caspari, CRIB, Pål Dailey, and more will showcase and sell curated...

Zerorapporten 2024

Atrium, Mesh Youngstorget Møllergata 6, Oslo

24. april legger ZERO frem Zerorapporten 2024, årlig analyse av hva som skal til for å innfri Norges klimamål. 2030 nærmer seg raskt, og fortsatt er regjeringens mål å kutte...

IxDA / Mesh Youngstorget

Atrium, Mesh Youngstorget Møllergata 6, Oslo

IxDA Oslo is a cross-disciplinary event for inspiration, discussion, debate and exploration in the fields of user experience, interaction design, service design and product management. Venue: Mesh Youngstorget, Atrium

Tech Town Hall #Special: Should I stay or should I go?

Atrium, Mesh Youngstorget Møllergata 6, Oslo

Tech startups are international by nature and nations are competing to attract and support them. While other European countries have strengthened their options programs, incentivized risk investments and created startup...

Proptech For Breakfast

Atrium, Mesh Youngstorget Møllergata 6, Oslo

Proptech Norway, Estate Media og Mesh ønsker deg hjertelig velkommen til Proptech til Påskefrokost. Nå tilbake på Mesh Youngstorget - med garantert påskestemning.Senk pulsen og møt gründerne, eiendomshøvdingene og investor-nestorene...

Canceled – IxDA / Mesh Youngstorget

Atrium, Mesh Youngstorget Møllergata 6, Oslo

This event got canceled. IxDA Oslo is a cross-disciplinary event for inspiration, discussion, debate and exploration in the fields of user experience, interaction design, service design and product management. Venue:...

IxDA / Mesh Youngstorget

Atrium, Mesh Youngstorget Møllergata 6, Oslo

IxDA Oslo is a cross-disciplinary event for inspiration, discussion, debate and exploration in the fields of user experience, interaction design, service design and product management. Venue: Mesh Youngstorget, Atrium


Atrium, Mesh Youngstorget Møllergata 6, Oslo

Vi starter med to foredrag med spennende gjester etterfulgt av øl, faglige diskusjoner, mingling, nettverksbygging og utveksling av erfaringer. De som kommer på DigitalBar er en hyggelig gjeng med ledere,...

Tech Town Hall #7: The Political Edition

Atrium, Mesh Youngstorget Møllergata 6, Oslo

Once a quarter we will gather founders, executives and investors to deep dive into trending topics and news. Save the date, and stay tuned for more information! Venue: Mesh Youngstorget,...

PropTech for Breakfast

Atrium, Mesh Youngstorget Møllergata 6, Oslo

Over a good breakfast with freshly ground coffee, you will meet the entrepreneurs, property developers and the investors who create tomorrow's real estate industry. We cover the latest PropTech news...

Miljøstiftelsen Zero – Mesh Youngstorget

Atrium, Mesh Youngstorget Møllergata 6, Oslo

Statkraft og ZERO arrangerer seminar mandag 9. oktober for å gi vår første analyse av regjeringens budsjettforslag. Det blir også politisk debatt og analyser fra politiske kommentatorer. Sett av datoen,...