Facili-Station Meetup / Mesh Nationaltheatret
Workbar, Mesh Nationaltheatret Tordenskiolds gate 2, OsloTrump, Biden og slaget om USA – foredrag med Hans Olav Lahlum
Main Stage, Digs Krambugata 2, TrondheimWeek of Events
Founder Forum is an informal lunch gathering of founders and leaders of growth companies at Digs. The aim is to bring together people who run and build companies in order...
Startup Extreme 2024
Startup Extreme 2024
Startup Extreme is an annual conference bringing together extreme sports and extreme startup people! They believe that true connections don't happen in office meeting rooms, on video calls, or at...
Åpen fagkveld
Åpen fagkveld
Tirsdag 23. april inviterer Computas til Åpen fagkveld på Digs! Det blir mat og drikke, og flere spennende foredrag. Sjefsingeniør Rustam Mehmandarov gjentar foredraget han holder under Google Cloud Next...
Zerorapporten 2024
Zerorapporten 2024
24. april legger ZERO frem Zerorapporten 2024, årlig analyse av hva som skal til for å innfri Norges klimamål. 2030 nærmer seg raskt, og fortsatt er regjeringens mål å kutte...
Diversity Commitment Report – Year 3
Diversity Commitment Report – Year 3
We would like to invite you to the launch of The Diversity Commitment report - Year 3. Join us as we celebrate 15 investors’ progress in advancing diversity in their...
Facili-Station Meetup / Mesh Nationaltheatret
Facili-Station Meetup / Mesh Nationaltheatret
“Facili-station Meetup” is a global community for both experienced and seasoned facilitators, and also those curious and interested in becoming facilitators, and level up their facilitations skills . We aim...
Members’ Breakfast x Baraca Economics
Members’ Breakfast x Baraca Economics
Becoming your own CFO: gain financial clarity so that you take the right decisions in your business and personal life. For most of us, our relationship with money is complicated....
Regnskogsfondet x NXT
Regnskogsfondet x NXT
Join us at Mesh Youngstorget on April 25th for an art event in partnership with Regnskogsfondet. Inspiring artists like Steinar Caspari, CRIB, Pål Dailey, and more will showcase and sell curated...