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Petropraten med Norsk klimastiftelse // Mesh Nationaltheatret

Tordenskioldsgt 2, 0160 Oslo

Europa trenger den norske gassen, men Europa trenger også omstilling og utslippskutt. Fram til 2040 skal EU etter planen kutte klimagassutslippene med 90 prosent. Markedet for petroleum vil bli mindre...

Lovewhatyoudo: Stories that connect – Community stage // Mesh Nationaltheatret Nationaltheatret - Mesh Community&query_place_id=ChIJqfOdh31uQUYRoEAEli7DYyM

Lovewhatyoudo- stories about finding the path to your true selv ❤️ Join us for an inspiring event where people come together to share real-life journeys of passion, purpose, and meaningful...