Katapult Future Fest 2024
Oslo OsloFor the seventh time, we’re bringing together a diverse and expanding global network of impact investors, change-makers, and value-driven entrepreneurs in Oslo, Norway. At our events, we aim to uplift...
For the seventh time, we’re bringing together a diverse and expanding global network of impact investors, change-makers, and value-driven entrepreneurs in Oslo, Norway. At our events, we aim to uplift...
💌 YOU ARE INVITED Join us in celebrating the new improved space for the startup ecosystem to meet, host, party and share insights when we open our newly renovated cafe...
Hvordan hindre at gutter og menn faller utenfor? «Jeg er: Lav, lys, blek, åpen, sårbar, utrent, uhandy, feilbar, arbeidsløs og fattig. For en dårlig manne-CV jeg har.» Vårens heftige debatt...