502 Krambugata 2, TrondheimFounder Forum is an informal lunch gathering of founders and leaders of growth companies at Digs. The aim is to bring together people who run and build companies in order...
Founder Forum is an informal lunch gathering of founders and leaders of growth companies at Digs. The aim is to bring together people who run and build companies in order...
Europadagene er en konferanseserie som arrangeres årlig av Trøndelags Europakontor, våre medlemmer og samarbeidspartnere. Målet er å synliggjøre mulighetene i EU for trønderske aktører. De siste årene har vi hatt fokus på...
Mads invites new members to a round of lunch and connect. Venue: Club Bar
We’ve got a treat for you! Once per month, we invite all to come enjoy a delicious piece of cake while meeting other Members and catching up on a sweet...
IxDA Oslo is a cross-disciplinary event for inspiration, discussion, debate and exploration in the fields of user experience, interaction design, service design and product management. Venue: Mesh Youngstorget, Atrium